
Life expectancy in people with newly diagnosed epilepsy: Platform Presentation. 57th American Epilepsy Society meeting, Boston, MA, USA (5-10 December 2003)

Mortality risk due to drowning in epilepsy: Platform Presentation. 26th International Epilepsy Congress, Paris, France (28 August-01 September 2005)

Pathophysiology & Management of Trigeminal Autonomic Neuralgias: Invited speaker (in Greek). 7th Panhellenic Headache Congress, Athens, Greece (20-21 March 2009)

Benign EEG variants and patterns of uncertain significance: Invited speaker (in English). Annual Hellenic Neurophysiology Society meeting & Greek-Syrian Neurophysiology meeting, Damascus, Syria (9-13 December 2009)

The role of EEG in first unprovoked seizure in adults: Platform presentation. Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists Annual Scientific Meeting, Hobart, Tasmania (16-19 May 2011).

Clinical aspects of epilepsy: Invited Speaker (in English). SILS-Neurosciences Course, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (14-11-2012)

Electrographic status epilepticus in sleep and related disorders. Dutch Society of Clinical Neurophysiology Technologists (Nederlandse  Vereniging van Laboranten Klinische Neurophysiologie) annual training day, Reehorst te Ede, The Netherlands (12 April 2013)

Perth Neurology & Epilepsy,
is located within the Ralph & Patricia
Sarich Neurosciences Research Institute

Ground floor, 8 Verdun St,
Nedlands WA

Ph: 08 64570303
